What will your legacy be?
Those who love the Springfield Public Library and Springfield History Museum have the power to strengthen and protect them—today, tomorrow, and into the future by making a planned gift.
You can leave a legacy by naming the Springfield Public Library Foundation (SPLF) as a beneficiary in your will, life insurance policies, retirement fund, or other estate plans. A current or deferred gift as part of your gift planning is a wise investment in our community.
A Planned Gift to the Springfield Public Library Foundation
- Makes a personally significant gift that speaks to your belief in the power of knowledge, made freely available to all.
- May save on gift and estate taxes.
- May reduce or avoid capital gains taxes.
- Leaves a legacy when you make a gift by will without giving up assets.
- Share your gift plan with others can encourage even more support.
A bequest is the easiest way to make a planned gift.
A gift to Springfield Public Library Foundation in your will or revocable trust is a way to support the Springfield Public Library and the Springfield History Museum in the future. A bequest is easy to arrange, does not affect your assets or cash flow during your lifetime, and is revocable.
You may have planned your estate through a revocable trust instead of a will. A transfer to Springfield Public Library Foundation from your trust will bring you the same tax and planning benefits as a bequest from a will.
A bequest can deliver a specific dollar amount, or a percentage of the balance remaining in your estate after taxes and specific bequests have been paid.
To make a gift in your will or trust, or by beneficiary designation, please use the following suggested language:
“I give [percent of my estate or dollars, or description of asset] to the Springfield Public Library Foundation, a nonprofit organization located at 255 5th Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477, for its general use and purpose.”
Or, contact us so that we may work with you and your attorney to craft language that meets your specific goals and needs.
The Springfield Public Library Foundation is a tax-exempt charitable organization under the IRS code, section 501 (c) 3, and contributions are deductible for income, gift, and estate tax purposes as allowed by law. Our legal name is the Springfield Public Library Foundation and Federal tax ID is #93-1325725. We were established in 2001 and are located at 225 5th St, Springfield, OR 97477.
Please contact us with any questions at e- mail springfieldorlibraryfoundation@gmail.com.
Additional Ways to Give
A gift by will is the most common way that nonprofit organizations receive planned gifts. By making a deferred gift, you retain flexibility and also give yourself peace of mind that your wishes will be fulfilled.
There are many ways charitable donations can help the Foundation and its mission. We encourage you to consult with your attorney, accountant, or financial advisor for help in determining the type of gift that is right for you and helps to protect and transfer assets or provide life income. Our Library Director and a Foundation representative are available to meet with you and discuss the museum’s and library’s needs and gift policies.
Outright Gift
You can make an outright gift to the Springfield Public Library Foundation, or give in honor of or in memory of a friend or family member today. You may give by check or use appreciated securities/stocks to make your gift. Mail your tax-deductible contribution or give online at www.splforegon.org.
Retirement Funds
Making a direct transfer from your IRA or retirement fund using the charitable rollover is an easy and convenient way to make a gift. If you are 70 ½ or older, you may make a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) directly to the Springfield Public Library Foundation and receive tax relief and count it towards your required minimum distribution.
Real Estate and Other Gift Options
SPLF welcomes and encourages gifts and donations to support the Library’s and Museum’s operations and future development. We accept financial securities which could include but not be limited to IRAs, bonds, annuities, life insurance policies, and real or personal property. Please contact us to discuss gifting of real estate or other assets. Our gift donation form and gift policy are available for download here.

Have you already included Springfield Public Library Foundation in your estate plan?
By informing us of your gift intention now, we are able to better understand your specific philanthropic goals. Your notification helps us with our own planning so we can more quickly and efficiently implement your gift. Let us thank you now and, if willing, we can tell your story to encourage others to support the Springfield Public Library Foundation in their planned giving.